The first Android 11 beta is here and Google dialed in some major changes to the way the Android 11 notifications drop-down shade works. Moreover, media controls have been updated, smart home controls have been relocated to the notification shade, and chat bubbles offer a new way to multitask between conversations.
The idea behind all the below changes is that of a “dedicated, persistent space,” says Google. According to user feedback, people want specific places in the user interface to take care of certain tasks. Thus, Google created a series of dedicated, persistent spaces in Android 11 to address these requests.
Let’s explore each of these just a bit.
Don’t miss: The most notable new Android 11 features we could find
Android 11 now prioritizes messaging conversations in the notification shade. A new section header for conversations appears at the top of the shade. It encompasses several changes so users can quickly see and respond to them
First, the message count indicator is bigger and more legible. Google says this will help people see how many unread messages are waiting in a given inbox. Similarly, sender and chat names are larger and easier to read. The primary action toggle is also now bigger and less of a pain to tap with your fingertip. Last, avatars are now in the front of each conversation. Not only are the avatars larger, it’s obvious when more than one recipient is part of a conversation.
In the action front, Google says it improved the functionality of a feature from Android 10. Long-pressing a conversation will mark it as important so it appears first, as well as breaks through Do Not Disturb. Users will now have a clearer idea of what’s going on when they take this particular action.
Developers will need to use the MessagingStyle API and add the shortcut ID to get this all to run smoothly. It applies to most messaging apps. The remainder of your notifications will lineup below conversations.
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