Dish appears to have a simple strategy to reel you into Boost Mobile: by offering service at a price that might be too low to pass up. Boost Mobile has introduced a pair of promo phone plans that offer full service at prices well below what you’d normally pay, provided you’re willing to live within some limits.
The headlining plan offers unlimited talk, unlimited text, and 2GB of data for $10 per month. If you need more, a $15 per month plan offers 4GB of data. If you only need the basics, this could easily fit the bill.
The plans are available from now through the end of 2020.
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There are some clear catches. You’ll still keep your plan after the three-month promo period passes, but Boost Mobile warns that your data allotment will drop to 1GB on the $10 plan and 2GB on the $15 plan. That’s still decent value if you only need data for simple tasks such as email or navigation, but worth noting before you commit.
It’s difficult to find prices this low, at least. The closest comparison is Mint Mobile. It offers unlimited voice and text plus 3GB of data for $15 per month, but you need to buy service in blocks of three months or more. There’s no $10 plan, either. It’s really a question of whether or not you value consistently available data, not to mention Mint’s promises of 5G access.
The timing is right, at least. If you’re staying at home during the pandemic, Boost Mobile’s plans could make more sense than usual. You won’t be using much mobile data if you’re close to Wi-Fi, and they might just help you save money.
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