Deal - 7 guides to build professional business skills - Android

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Deal - 7 guides to build professional business skills - Android

Build essential business skills and take a new step in your career. You can save 93% on this expert-led training.

complete business professional

No matter what your job title is, basic business skills are always useful. Whether you’re using Microsoft PowerPoint to build a presentation or flexing your problem-solving abilities, it helps to know your stuff.

You can learn almost anything online, and business skills are no different. Right now, you can pick up the seven-part Complete Business Professional Bootcamp Bundle on Tech Deals to sharpen your business mind.

You can work your way through three modules and almost 50 hours of Excel content, then present that data professionally with the skills you pick up in Master Microsoft Powerpoint. While you don’t have to complete every lesson in the learning kit, many of them build on each other and look good on your resume.

Software skills are not the only key to success in business. The rest of this hands-on learning kit is dedicated to building soft skills like leadership and critical thinking. You can explore business models and strategies to help you reach a management role in your company.

The Complete Business Professional Bootcamp Bundle

The Business Professional Bundle:

  • Data Analysis in Excel — $69 value
  • Microsoft Excel: Beginner to Intermediate — $69 value
  • Master Microsoft Powerpoint — $69 value
  • Business Analysis with Excel — $69 value
  • Strategy & Business Models — $69 value
  • Introduction to Leadership and Management — $69 value
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving — $69 value

The seven modules in the Complete Business Professional Bootcamp have a combined retail value of nearly $500 but you can get started right now for just $29.99. Saving money is another important business skill, so you’re already off to a great start.

This deal won’t be around for very long so get ready to boost your resume via the widget below.

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Complete Business Professional Bootcamp Bundle
Save $453 .01
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Complete Business Professional Bootcamp Bundle Buy it Now
Save $453 .01 $29 .99

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12/03/2020 11:00 PM