We’ve seen our fair share of sketchy promotional videos from smartphone manufacturers, and it looks like an LG division is the latest to shoot itself in the foot.
LG Poland recently posted a video on TikTok (h/t: PhoneArena), showing an elderly man apparently taking upskirt photos of a woman walking up stairs. The woman then turns around and grabs the LG V60 being used by the man, scrolling through the gallery app on the second screen. However, the woman only finds selfies of the man in question.
The woman then returns the LG V60 to the elderly man, who promptly scrolls in the opposite direction and reveals that, yes, he has indeed taken pseudo-upskirt shots. Check out the video below, saved by Twitter user Ruben Chicharro.
WTF este TikTok de LG Polonia?? pic.twitter.com/972LrVefuy
— Rubén Chicharro (@rubenchicharro) May 23, 2020
The video is essentially making light of the very real problem of upskirt photography, which is a criminal act in many parts of the world. But it also makes you wonder what LG Poland was trying to say with this video. Were they saying that the LG V60 is the ideal phone for sexual predators?
Nevertheless, the upskirt-themed video has since been deleted and LG has apologized for the clip, saying its Polish division didn’t follow the “proper approval process” for social media content.
“A recent video posted by LG Poland failed to follow the proper approval process for social media content. It did not live up to the standards and policy of LG Electronics and was immediately removed,” read a statement obtained by PhoneArena.
“We apologize for any offense this ill-conceived video may have caused. We will strive to prevent such an occurrence from happening again in the future.”
It still makes you wonder just how this video clip got approved by LG Poland in the first place. It takes a lot of effort to put a promotional video together, and it usually goes through an approval process involving several people. So either there was no approval process or the people who approved it saw nothing wrong with it. And I’m not sure which is worse.
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