Own an Android phone You might be 30 percent less likely to get a match on dating apps - Android

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Own an Android phone You might be 30 percent less likely to get a match on dating apps - Android

This new study breaks down the brands that either help or hurt your chances on dating apps.

Google Pixel phones side by side

Credit: Ryan-Thomas Shaw / Android Authority

  • A new study suggests that people who own Android phones and show them off in dating profiles might be less likely to earn a match.
  • Meanwhile, people who show off Apple products in their profiles are much more likely to get a match.
  • BlackBerry phones are the worst offender, with a 74% reduction in positive swipes. Ouch.

If you’ve got a mirror selfie in your dating profile, guess what: the phone that shows up in the mirror might be helping or hindering your chances of getting a match.

According to a new study published by CompareMyMobile, people with certain brands of Android phones in their profiles might be missing out on dates. Meanwhile, people with Apple products in their photos are probably earning more dates. I know, I know…typical.

Android phones: Probably not good for your profile

The study makes it very clear that you should avoid having an Android phone in your profile with the notable exception of one brand: Samsung. The findings suggest that Samsung phones in profiles increase positive swipes by as much as 19%.

Of course, that pales in comparison to iPhones, which appear to increase positive swipes by a massive 76%. In fact, having Apple “EarPods” or an “iWatch” also increases your chances of positive swipes (clearly, CompareMyMobile doesn’t know Apple branding very well).

Android Phones in Dating Profiles Chart

Credit: CompareMyMobile

If you don’t own a Samsung phone or an iPhone, though, your dating profile should probably be phone-free. The study suggests that showing your love for Google Pixel phones could reduce positive profile swipes by 10%. Remarkably, having a OnePlus phone reduces your chances even further by a whopping 30%!

Unsurprisingly, though, the worst offender is BlackBerry. Although the most recent phones with the BlackBerry branding are Android-based, the BB logo is probably what’s doing the damage here. CompareMyMobile’s data suggests that a BlackBerry device in your profile could stop people from saying “Yes” to your profile by 74%. BlackBerry users: it’s time to upgrade.

You can see all the data related to the study — which is based on fake profiles with the only change being the tech on display — at the CompareMyMobile site.

28/08/2020 05:00 PM