Over the past few years, an absolute deluge of streaming services has fallen upon us. Where there used to be just a handful of products there are now dozens within various entertainment categories, such as movies, music, gaming, and more.
Related: The best streaming shows on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, and more
With all these options, some people are finding they’re spending more on streaming entertainment than they anticipated. That’s why we posted a poll asking for a ballpark estimate of how much money each month our readers spend on various services.
The results of the poll are below.
It appears the largest chunk of our readers who took this poll keep their spending in check. Nearly 35% of responders spend less than $20 each month on streaming. Meanwhile, the next-largest chunk spends somewhere between $20 and $50 each month on streaming services, while only about 15% spend over $50 each month.
However, it should be noted that about 23% of responders don’t pay for any streaming services at all. That just goes to show you that not everyone has a Netflix account (at least not one they pay for).
Of course, poll results only tell part of the story. There were some illuminating comments with the poll that shed some light on how people structure their streaming costs.
A few of the responders to this streaming services poll were more than happy to detail exactly what they pay for. Others simply had some comments on the state of the streaming market. Here are some choice comments:
€16 or so. I’ve got the best Netflix subscription shared with friends. I’m also using Disney Plus, but a friend is paying for that and sharing it with me. Oh and €5/mo for Spotify Premium (student discount).
More than $50 alone for Hulu+live let alone the other services we subscribe to. At least it’s cheaper than the $250+ we were paying to Direct TV per month.
The old Spotify + Hulu bundle and Prime are the only subscriptions I keep year-round, and I share my Prime membership with my parents so we split the bill. My friend shared Disney Plus with me after I joined their Nintendo Family Plan. I get Netflix or Funimation when there are multiple shows I want to watch, and then cancel when I’m caught up or the season(s) ends. I’ll probably take the same approach with xCloud; pay when I want to play, then take a break until there’s something I want to play again. I have gone 10 months without Netflix more than once and they offered me a free month trial to come back each time, in which I binged everything in that month before I had to pay again.
Zero. Torrents ain’t hard to use, you know.
There you have it. Some are paying a lot, some are keeping it simple, some are gaming the system, and some are just laughing a hearty pirate laugh. If you missed your shot to sound off in the original poll, feel free to let us know what streaming services you’re on board with in the comments below.
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