We asked, you told us - Most of you would rather wait for stable software updates - Android

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We asked, you told us - Most of you would rather wait for stable software updates - Android

It turns out most AA readers are okay with waiting for more stable updates as opposed to receiving quicker, buggier updates.

Android 10 Update on phone display

Every manufacturer sets its own update timeline for new versions of Android. Some are quick, like Google (of course), Essential, and Nokia, while others are, well, not so quick.

If you could choose when you’d receive your next major software update, which would you pick: receive the update immediately and deal with bugs and performance issues, or wait as long as it takes for those issues to be resolved? We asked you that very question last week, and the results can be found below.

Pick one: Quicker, buggier updates or slower, more stable updates?


Out of nearly 1,000 votes, 16% of readers are okay with throwing caution to the wind and would prefer to receive their updates sooner, even if it means the updates would be buggier. 26% would rather wait longer for a more stable update. 58% said they’re okay with waiting for new updates for a certain amount of time, but they don’t want to wait long.

Noteworthy comments

Here are some of the best comments from last week’s poll explaining why they voted the way that they did:

  • Slower stable. Although I’m appreciative of the increased performance, Android has taken a real usability dive since Oreo. Might as well delay the updates at this point.
  • Just do it like Microsoft does for Windows 10: neither timely nor stable.
  • I think monthly updates are too much. Quarterly and relatively bug free, should be fine.

That’s it for this week, everyone. As always, thanks for voting, thanks for the comments, and don’t forget to let us know what you thought of the results below!

12/10/2019 06:00 PM