Apple, Google begin rolling out betas with exposure notification API - Android

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Apple, Google begin rolling out betas with exposure notification API - Android

Apple and Google continue to provide updates and more details about their work on a COVID-19 tracking API, now referred to as ‘exposure notification.’ MobileSyrup has published several updates regarding the new details. You can find all the articles related to the exposure notification API below. Apple, Google begin rolling out betas with exposure notification...

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Apple and Google continue to provide updates and more details about their work on a COVID-19 tracking API, now referred to as ‘exposure notification.’ MobileSyrup has published several updates regarding the new details. You can find all the articles related to the exposure notification API below.

  • Apple, Google begin rolling out betas with exposure notification API – 29/04/2020
  • Apple, Google update exposure notification APIs with new protections and capabilities – 24/04/2020
  • Apple, Google share more details about COVID-19 contact tracing system – 13/04/2020
  • Apple, Google developing tool to help public health officials track COVID-19 – 11/04/2020

Apple and Google announced the release of the first beta software containing the new exposure notification API.

The two companies have been working together over the last few weeks to develop an application programming interface (API) framework with tools to track and alert smartphone users to potential exposure to COVID-19. As part of the first phase of the tool, public health authorities will need to develop apps to leverage the API, which is designed to be interoperable between iOS and Android. You can learn more about Apple and Google’s work on the API here.

Company representatives said that the beta software was released to public health authorities around the world. The software should help developers begin testing in anticipation of the API’s full release in mid-May. Further, Apple and Google hope the release encourages feedback that will help them improve the platform.

Apple plans to deliver the first beta release of Xcode 11.5, a pre-release seed of Apple’s developer tools that contains a new version of the iOS software development kit (SDK), on April 29th. The new SDK includes the exposure notification API. Further, Apple released Beta 3 of iOS 13.5, the first pre-release version of its mobile operating system to contain the code needed to run apps built using the exposure notification API.