Twitter user @leftoblique posted the above photo of a Halloween Google graveyard that decorates an office at the Google Seattle campus. Each tombstone is emblazoned with a former Google service, including Google Reader, Google Buzz, Picasa, and even Google Plus, which only died off this year.
The Twitter user’s bio lists herself as a lead at the Google Chrome desktop UI feature team.
Although there are just six products viewable in the Google graveyard photo, there are many more dead Google services than that. The Google Cemetary website — which is not officially sanctioned by the company — compiles all the past services much more thoroughly.
Regardless, this seems like a cute Halloween display for a Google office to have, at least in theory. The more you think about it, though, the more depressing it gets. Google Plus wasn’t exactly the runaway success that Google hyped it to be, but it was beloved by many. Google Reader is a product many remember fondly and wish was still around.
Related: I ditched Google Play Music for my own Plex server: The good and the bad
The Google graveyard display also makes one think of the currently-active Google products we expect to see in there in the following years. Google Play Music certainly isn’t long for this world, and Google Hangouts is surely on its way out the door. In the Twitter post where the image above originated, there are several tweets referencing Google Stadia’s future could be headed for the graveyard.
What do you think? Is this a fun Halloween decoration for Google’s offices, or is the Google graveyard in poor taste? Let us know in the comments.
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